A Positive Post-Pandemic Paradigm
Dr. David Flanigan, CSEP - Chapter President--2022
With recent conclusion of the INCOSE International Workshop (IW) in late January, attending chapters such as ours work to generate their after-action reports. As this event launched us into 2022, it also provides an opportunity to reflect upon and realize how across-the-board chapter events and meetings have been impacted and reset to a “new normal”. We’ve now all become so adept with our online presence, holding virtual discussions, sharing screens and documents, and of course the most important of all - finding that darn unmute button.
Looking for inspiration for my own after-action report, I recently came across a detailed article in our archives written two years ago by then Chesapeake Chapter past president, Mark Evans. Mark provided his detailed account on how meetings needed to be switched over to an all-virtual modality along with the unfortunate but necessary cancelations for numerous already planned activities and events. During that time, maximum flexibility and adaptability was required from all.
A positive aspect arising out of the new paradigm was it being actually easier to attend other chapters’ meetings across the country or even globe. Chapters would often use different modalities, WebEX, Global Meet, Adobe Connect, etc. … but for those organizations that were able to sustain virtual presentations, many for the first time, all seemed to be benefiting from the broader exposure these channels enabled. It was interesting to watch the other chapters in their various adaptations to conducting business in this fashion. I know we as a chapter often benefitted from the many good tips shared and observed from our sister chapters. We found, in addition to our own membership attending more of our virtual events, there was an observed increase in regularly attendees from outside of our chapter’s local area. Often they’d bring along exceptional engagement and perspectives from their respective regions abroad. Hopefully this was the case found with other chapters around the world.
While organizations during the pandemic were indeed able to adapt to keeping members involved, the overall levels of social activity were generally realized as being abruptly reduced. In-person social interactions and professional networking are a big part of what a local INCOSE chapter like ours has to offer its members. We at the Chesapeake Chapter are counting on this year being the one where we can return in a big way to a more “normal” pattern with holding our in-person venues. This 2022, I look at our chapter maintaining a healthy balance between preserving both the in-person and the virtual connections we have with each other.