Chesapeake members attend the 2020 INCOSE International Workshop (IW)
Back Row: Dr. Jim Armstrong, Mike Pafford, Dr. Grace Crowder, Dr. Keith Willet, Ken Zemrowski, Zane Scott Front Row: Tony Gigioli, Mark Abernathy, Gwen Lilly, Dr. Larry Strawser, Rusty Eckman. And Sara Ghaffari Insert: Don York
Chesapeake Chapter members attended and participated in the 2020 INCOSE International Workshop (IW) in sunny Torrance, CA.
Mike Pafford, Past INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter President …
…. attended IW20 and participated in several ways:
Attended all four “Systems Thinking Round Table” discussion sessions hosted by the Systems Science Working Group before the start of each full day of the conference.
Posted many ‘Tweets’ from several IW20 sessions using the Twitter tags @incose_org, #incoseIW, and #SystemsEngineering.
Turned in and explained an extensive review of the Draft, “Guide to Verification and Validation”, to the Requirements Working Group currently developing this new INCOSE product.
At the PM-SE Integration Working Group session, was invited to give a 30-minute introduction to a hybrid approach using best practices from the Lean Startup Method (LSM) and Agile SE, SWE & Project Management, to enhance and improve Initial Project Planning (IPP).
Hosted a 2-hour Project Outreach Session, to explain and answer questions about an ongoing INCOSE, IEEE, and FBI/InfraGard cross-domain, “Resilient Hospital Reference Model (RHRM)” Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) project.
At the Critical Infrastructure Protection and Recovery (CIPR) Working Group session, was invited to give another 30-minute run-down of the hybrid approach using best practices from the Lean Startup Method (LSM) and Agile SE, SWE & Project Management, to enhance and improve Initial Project Planning (IPP).
Represented and took notes for the Chapter at back-to-back sessions on, “Best Practices for Planning and Executing a Chapter Web Meeting”, and, “Chapter Web Page Tutorial”, from INCOSE CIO Bill Chown, and Assistant CIO Paul Sullivan.
Ken Zemrowski
attended the following sessions:
Strategic Planning – Participated in discussions of how to set priorities for INCOSE’s standards work, which is currently primarily with ISO. How can we increase participation of Working Group members in the standards projects?
SE Tools Database Demo – Visited the demo, which is still a work in progress but showing good progress. The SETDB replaces the old database, which was lost several years ago.
TechOps Leadership – Discussed progress on the On-Line Technical Project Plan (TPP) implementation, which is expected to be available on February 29. This is expected to improve efficiency of Impactful Products Committee meetings.
SE Handbook Editors Team – In my role as Associate Director of Publications, collaborated in open and closed sessions on the Handbook. One major area is the form of the product, since technology advances are giving us more options.
Licensing of INCOSE Products – Initial discussion of product licensing to various types of organizations. This could lead to derivative products, expanded availability of INCOSE products, and possible revenue sources.
Board of Directors – Ken supported Beth Wilson in reporting completion of the Accessibility Task Team. Ken will support updating the Product Development policy to require consideration of accessibility, as well as writing procedures to serve as How-To guides.
Town Hall on Smart Cities – Jenn Russell gave an interesting presentation on the Smart Cities WG. Ken provided additional information he had previously collected.