Volunteers Needed: Maryland FIRST LEGO League

Dear INCOSE Chesapeake members,


As part of our chapter’s efforts to promote engineering education to youth, we are looking for folks with interest in helping partner with the FIRST LEGO League this spring.  One of our current chapter members is also on the Maryland FIRST LEGO League Planning Committee and has asked if INCOSE might muster a team of volunteers to help with judging their middle-school events.  FIRST LEGO League is a great opportunity to share in experiences and inspire our young folks. 

It’s a minimal commitment and your time can be credited towards earned INCOSE PDU’s!

What are we asking?  This year two events are being planned for the Maryland competition. The first is planned for late January and the other is planned for mid March. All events will be virtual. As this new format is still in its planning stages we will update you with the details as they become available.

A virtual Volunteer Training Session will be held on Sunday, November 29, 2020 to share information.  Additional session will be scheduled as needed.

Tentatively we are asking you to volunteer as a competition judge. This would involve reviewing prerecorded five (5) minute entry videos and scoring them according to a provided rubric. Reviewing will be of perhaps ten or so assigned 5 minute videos. You will also meet with other judges for a few hours to review the teams performances. 

We would like to put together an all INCOSE sponsored pod of judges that will work together to review these videos.

It this interest you, please respond to programs@incose-cc.org and we will coordinate with the Planning Committee to get started.

For further information visit the following sites:

If you are interested please fill out this form: