2019-11-20: Famous Failures Revisited

Jim Armstrong discusses several famous failures from the viewpoint of the impact of systems integration as a factor in causation and includes several other examples to develop lessons learned that should be considered in systems integration. The After Action Report includes the briefing slides, photos from the event and a link to the HD Video.

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Coping with Change

Our Chapter is nearing the end of another year and we will soon be celebrating together at our Holiday Reception. As always, this will be an opportunity to say thanks to our supporters and recognize chapter members for their service.  Before we close out the year’s business, George Anderson wanted to share with you his observations about how we seem to be changing as an organization.

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Message, MusingsGeorge Anderson
Nominations for 2020 Elections

The INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter (CC) Board of Directors (BOD) needs your assistance and is seeking candidates to fill the following positions in 2020: President-Elect: Term is 3 years (President-Elect, President and then Past President); Secretary: Term is 2 years; Programs Director: Term is 2 years; and Membership Director: Term is 2 years

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