Looking for Sponsors for an INCOSE Golf Outing to Benefit STEM

This spring, local INCOSE chapters from around the Maryland, Northern Virginia, and DC metro areas are looking to hold a joint INCOSE golf-outing to the benefit of scholarships for students in STEM. We are looking to work with interested business partners. Opportunities will be available at various levels. If you believe you or your business would like to participate, please reach out to programs@incose-cc.org.

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Book Review: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: A Systems Engineering Perspective (Fernandez Review)

Jose L. Fernandez reviews Dr. Howard Eisner’s new book, “Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: A Systems Engineering Perspective” Dr. Howard Eisner is a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of INCOSE. He has 30 years of experience in industry and 24 years in academia. This book is the last of his 12 books dealing with systems engineering, project management, and other topics.

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2022-04-20: Analytical Assessment Method to Directly Measure Mission Assurance (Darby)

Michael Darby, CSEP, of the Idaho National Laboratory provided an overview of how the Mission Thread Analysis approach has been used to evaluate mission resilience. He showed generalized results of additional threat-based scenarios and how the All-Hazard Analysis tool can be integrated with black out exercises to assess how and where alternatives, or courses of action, are needed to ultimately improve the overall mission resilience.

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Book Review: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: A Systems Engineering Perspective (Kaczmarek Review)

Mark Kaczmarek reviews Dr. Howard Eisner’s new book, “Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: A Systems Engineering Perspective” This latest book by Dr. Eisner spans the 5+ decades of his experience: 30 years in business as president or working for companies, and 24 years in academia at GWU – George Washington University. This is the 12th book he has written.

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