Presenters: Dr. Shelley Kirkpatrick and Ms. Sarah Miller, MITRE Corporation
The world around us is changing at an alarming rate. The MARS Agency Simulation can help you learn how lead in a way that embraces the chaos. In this tutorial session, you will play the role of a leader in the fictitious MARS Agency. As part of your role, you will face a range of challenges—political shifts, economic uncertainty, technological modernization, and changing demographics—that you and your colleagues must address by balancing resources and staff while exploring organizational agility concepts. Grounded in research MITRE has been conducting since 2015 and rooted in the fields of Organization Develop and I/O Psychology, the simulation takes the form of a table top exercise. It thrusts players into a brave new world where they are compelled to develop vital skills, strengthen their leadership competencies, and improve team performance. Guided by the facilitators, you will have an opportunity to examine and refine your decisions, try new courses of action, and draw connections to your organization and work.