6th Annual SEP Gala (2015)
The Engineers Club, Baltimore, Maryland
26 August 2015
Congratulations to our 2015 System Engineering Professional (SEP) Honorees
On August 26, 2015 the INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter hosted the Sixth Annual Systems Engineering Professional Recognition Gala at the Garrett Jacobs Mansion. Approximately one hundred INCOSE members and their guests attended the event at this home of the Engineers Club in Baltimore, Maryland. This included the invited speakers and, for the first time, we had additions of three walk-ins plus a gentleman from Boston who stopped by on his return trip from Washington, DC. A tribute to our posters placed in lobbies and cafeterias!

Three new ESEPS were recognized: Neal Anderson, Northrop Grumman, Myra Parsons Gross, Jovian Concepts, and Craig Tyler, Vencore. We added a new process to our ESEP recognition ceremony. The ESEPs who were in the audience were asked to come forward and form a receiving line to be the first to welcome the new ESEPs as they received their Chapter Recognition Certificates.
The VIP guests who participated in the ceremonies included: Mr. Robert Gold, Director of Engineering Enterprise within the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering DASD (SE), Ms. Courtney Wright, CSEP, Program Manager, INCOSE Certification Program; and Mr. Mike McNamee, Chief Systems Engineer, NSA.
The evening was a huge success thanks to the participants and our sponsors:
Check out more Pictures of the event
PHOTOS of the 2015 SEP Recognition Gala are available to purchase on the web site: