INCOSE Members help University of Maryland Baltimore County gain INCOSE Academic Equivalency

The International Council of System Engineering (INCOSE) released an exciting News Release announcing that the INCOSE Certification program has recognized the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) and awarded them Academic Equivalency for their SYST 660: Systems Engineering Principles course. Read how two of our members helps make this happen.

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2021-05-19: There is No (Real) Systems Engineering Without Systems Thinking (Scott)

Mr. Zane Scott explains that there must be good, sound engineering paired with solid, intentional systems thinking for us to have a solid foundation for what we do as Systems Engineers. Too many times we take systems engineering to be a process - a checklist of activities we can do that will aggregate to “systems engineering.” Throw in “models” and we get “model-based systems engineering.” Without the understanding and application of fundamental first principles we can walk through the steps of the Systems Engineering processes and miss the real rewards. Mr. Scott explores the first principles of the systems thinking leg of systems engineering.

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2021-03-19: Negotiation, Persuasion and Conflict for Systems Engineers (Scott)

Mr. Scott's tutorial covered an important soft skill set that many technical professionals often neglect, but its soft skills that often are the determinant between an undistinguished and a distinguished performing professional. The ability to not just communicate, but to do it well, is often a pivotal factor for career advancement.

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2021-03-17: Digital Engineering Implementation Progress (Zimmerman)

Ms Zimmerman discusses the DoD's Digital Engineering Strategy and its implementation as seen by the OUSD(R&E) and explains its challenges and how this concept has added value. The DoD's Digital Engineering Strategy is to promote the use of digital representations of systems and components and the use of digital artifacts as a technical means of communication across a diverse set of stakeholders. The strategy addresses a range of disciplines involved in the acquisition and procurement of national defense systems, and it encourages innovation in the way we build, test, field, and sustain our national defense systems and how we train and shape the workforce to use these practices.

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2021-02-26: Lean Startup Method and Agile for Initial Project Planning (Pafford)

The INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter recently hosted member Mike Pafford, Past Chesapeake Chapter President, to provide a live tutorial covering the topic of using Lean Startup and Agile Methods in performing Initial Project Planning activities. He also provided to attendees a plethora of reference materials to include, references to detailed literature on the topic, open source tool-sets for use, an array of initial planning templates, and other materials. Attendees left the tutorial well armed to attack their own projects.

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