Every interface is an opportunity to lose information, time, control and / or money through contention between stakeholders at either end. There are many issues surrounding Interface management and Paul Davies explores some of the characteristics of this missing material, and strings together some of the key concepts in best practice.
Read MoreGeorge Anderson, ESEP, takes a reminiscent look at owning and supporting a 1968 Jaguar XK-E fixed head coupe (FHD). A lesson in participating in the inner workings of a Systems Life-Cycle, particularly the Utilization, Support and Retirement Stages. Part 2 George details his efforts in putting this car through the Maintenance, Logistics, and Disposal processes.
Read MoreKeep up with all the happening in our Chapter. Download our latest Newsletter for February 2021
Read MoreGeorge Anderson, ESEP, takes a reminiscent look at owning and supporting a 1968 Jaguar XK-E fixed head coupe (FHD). A lesson in participating in the inner workings of a Systems Life-Cycle, particularly the Utilization, Support and Retirement Stages. Part 1 George details his initial impressions in putting this car through the Verification and Operations processes.
Read MoreMark Kaczmarek, ASEP, our very own INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter Membership Director, and Dave Alldredge, ESEP, went to the INCOSE International Workshop for 2021 and reports out on their experience. Out of the 689 attendees -- 27 were from the Chesapeake Chapter. If you went and would like to provide us a report, we’ll add it to this post. Send your experience to communications@incose-cc.org.
Read MoreDr. Eisner shared a system's engineer's retrospection of lessons to be shared with a future generation. Dr. Eisner has spent a lifetime of practice in the field of systems engineering. This lecture provided a "look back" over his 50-year career with his advice offered to the future generation of Systems Engineers.
Read MoreKeep up with all the happening in our Chapter. Download our latest Newsletter for Jan 2021
Read MoreOur 2020 INCOSE-CC president, Mark Evans, discusses the challenge of last year and the hope for the next. Despite an unprecedented year of adversity, the Chesapeake Chapter persevered and rose to the challenge. Next year will only get better as we increase our dedication to serving the local Systems Engineering professionals.
Read MoreThe INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter Board of Directors wishes to thank our corporate sponsors, industry partners, lecturers, and volunteers for supporting the Chapter throughout the year. This Annual Awards & Recognition Ceremony is a culmination of another wonderful year of great events and services for the local Systems Engineering community.
Read MoreKeep up with all the happening in our Chapter. Download our latest Newsletter for Dec 2020
Read MoreINCOSE Chesapeake Chapter attended the recent reStart job fair held virtually on-line on December 10, 2020.
Read MoreOur 2020 INCOSE-CC president Mark Evans discusses how to deal with obsolete skills and staying relevant within the Systems Engineering profession. Systems Engineers find that their skill sets must be adaptive, change rapidly, and require constant updating in order to stay current in today’s continuously changing technology.
Read MoreMeet the winners of the 2021 INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter (CC) Board of Directors (BOD) election
President-Elect: Dr. David Flanigan, CSEP.
Treasurer: Mr. John Boccio, ESEP.
Communications Director: Mr. Michael S. Anderson, CSEP
To greatly aid our chapter’s efforts in promoting engineering education for youth, we are seeking interested people to help us partner with the FIRST LEGO League this spring. One of our chapter members is on the Maryland FIRST LEGO League Planning Committee and has asked if INCOSE could field a team of volunteers to help judge their middle-school events. The FIRST LEGO League is a great opportunity to share in experiences and inspire our young folks.
Read MoreJim Armstrong, ESEP, takes us on a visit to the kitchen at the Inn at Little Washington in order to discuss how and why it was so different from other commercial kitchens. The resulting analysis of how systems engineering has significant relationship to the design of a wide variety of commercial kitchens is provided in this presentation.
Read MoreKeep up with all the happening in our Chapter. Download our latest Newsletter for Nov 2020
Read MoreOur INCOSE-CC president Mark Evans discusses the problem with the old maxim that “correlation does not imply causation” and how Mathematician and Data Scientist, Dr. Judea Pearl's new Book, The Book of Why, can help explore answers to this dilemma.
Read MoreMeet the Candidates for the 2021 INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter (CC) Board of Directors (BOD):
President-Elect: Term is 3 years (President-Elect, President and then Past President)
Mr. Peter Butziger —OR— Dr. David Flanigan
Treasurer: Term is 2 years
Mr. John Boccio, ESEP
Communications Director: Term is 2 years.
Mr. Michael S. Anderson, CSEP