Abstract: Architecture provides a unifying structure (or roadmap) for exploration of the problem space and for characterization of the solution space such that better decisions can be made about the system under development. Systems architecting when done well can improve the impact of the system solution. This workshop will describe an approach for flowing down from enterprise goals and objectives, from the system purpose and mission needs, down through operational requirements and concept of operations, and finally into the capability, operational, system and project views of the architecture. These views are then used to develop a comprehensive set of requirements that best characterize and scope the system to be engineered. There are various architecture processes that greatly facilitate the modeling and better understanding of both the problem situation and potential solutions. This workshop provides an overview of six Architecture Processes: Governance, Management, Conceptualization, Evaluation, Elaboration and Enablement based on the new ISO standard 42020. The workshop will show how architecture models can serve as the basis for development and evolution of a system. This approach leads to a more model-driven systems approach and allows you to “discover” the essential attributes of the problem space that must be addressed by the system solution. Architecture models are where these essential attributes can and should be defined and evaluated, thereby facilitating the management of complexity and change that is inherent in the development of modern systems. We will discuss a new, emerging ISO standard on Architecture Evaluation.
Dr. James Martin, Principal Engineer, The Aerospace Corporation
Speaker: Dr. James N. Martin is an internationally known writer and lecturer on systems engineering. He wrote one of the most widely read books on systems engineering “Systems Engineering Guidebook”, published by CRC Press. His experience includes thirty years in systems development of telecommunication products and services (most of this with Bell Labs) as program manager, system engineering manager, system architect, requirements manager, and lead system engineer. His experience with technology includes mobile wireless, underwater fiber optics, satellite broadband wireless, reconnaissance sensor systems, satellite systems, and airborne network hubs. Dr. Martin is employed by the Aerospace Corporation. He is a system architect of communication networks and space systems and he teaches at The Aerospace Institute and at seminars around the world. He led the development of ANSI/EIA 632, the US national standard that defines the processes for engineering a system. He was a key author on the BKCASE project in development of the SE Body of Knowledge (SEBOK). His main SEBOK contribution was the articles on Enterprise Systems Engineering. Dr. Martin graduated with an MS from Stanford and a BS from Texas A&M. He has a PhD from George Mason University in Enterprise Architecture Modeling. He is a Fellow member of INCOSE and is recipient of the INCOSE Founders Award. He is currently leading the Systems Science Working Group for INCOSE and is their representative to the ISO working group for architecture standards.
Menu: Continental breakfast and lunch provided
Tutorial Cost: $450 for members/$500 non-members
Register before February 18th and receive a $50 discount.
Morning Topics
Architecture Processes
Governance & Management
Conceptualization & Evaluation
Elaboration & Enablement
Architecture Modeling
Needs à Architecture
Developing Views & Models
Architecture Development
Key Principles & Concepts
Needs to Capabilities to Projects
Modeling Methods & Tools
Afternoon Topics
Models & Views
Operational & Capability Models
Systems & Services Models
Data & Information Models
Projects & Standards Models
Architecture Evaluation
Evaluation Approach
Value Assessment
Architecture Analysis
Evaluation Factors & Criteria