Filtering by: Training

Lean Startup Method (LSM) and Agile for Elicitation of System Solution Initial Capabilities (ICs)
9:00 AM09:00

Lean Startup Method (LSM) and Agile for Elicitation of System Solution Initial Capabilities (ICs)

Don’t miss this excellent hybrid Training Opportunity. Saturday, 05 Nov 2022 (9:00 am – 4:00 pm). Instructor: Mike) Pafford — This interactive tutorial will provide a detailed introduction to an approach using the Lean Startup Method (LSM) and Agile (Agile SE, SWE, and PjM/PM) to conduct a stakeholder-centric elicitation and development of a set of system solution Initial Capabilities (ICs). Location: University of Maryland Baltimore County - University Center room 310 — as well as Virtual event.

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Introduction to Object-Oriented Systems Engineering Method (OOSEM) and the Systems Modeling Language (SysML)
9:00 AM09:00

Introduction to Object-Oriented Systems Engineering Method (OOSEM) and the Systems Modeling Language (SysML)

Don’t miss this excellent Training Opportunity. Saturday, 22 October 2022 (9:00 am – 5:00 pm). This tutorial will introduce the student to the Object-Oriented Systems Engineering Method (OOSEM) and the Systems Modeling Language (SysML), which OOSEM uses to capture stakeholder needs, and system requirements, structure and behavior. Instructor: Howard Lykins, chair of the INCOSE Object-Oriented Systems Engineering Method Working Group, Location: University of Maryland Baltimore County - University Center room 310 — as well as Virtual event.

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SE Scholar INCOSE SEP Exam Preparation Course
to Mar 11

SE Scholar INCOSE SEP Exam Preparation Course

SE Scholar has developed a unique approach to teaching the INCOSE SE Handbook. This new method contextualizes the Organizational, Project and Technical processes necessary to realize a “System-of-Interest", and with the aid of a comprehensive Process Flow diagram, our Instructor walks the students from the Project Portfolio Process through to the Disposal Process in a logical and sequential manner. Sign up for a member discount.

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SE Scholar INCOSE SEP Exam Preparation Course
to Nov 12

SE Scholar INCOSE SEP Exam Preparation Course

SE Scholar has developed a unique approach to teaching the INCOSE SE Handbook. This new method contextualizes the Organizational, Project and Technical processes necessary to realize a “System-of-Interest", and with the aid of a comprehensive Process Flow diagram, our Instructor walks the students from the Project Portfolio Process through to the Disposal Process in a logical and sequential manner.

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Understanding the INCOSE Certification Process
5:00 PM17:00

Understanding the INCOSE Certification Process

Paul Martin explains the demanding process of applying to the INCOSE Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP) application, including filling out the formal application, the importance of finding at least three professional references, and how to prepare for the two-hour, 120-question, multiple-choice exam.

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UMBC Training Centers INCOSE SEP Exam Preparation Course
to May 13

UMBC Training Centers INCOSE SEP Exam Preparation Course

UMBC Training Centers has teamed with SE Scholar and developed a unique approach to teaching the INCOSE SE Handbook. The new method contextualizes the Organizational, Project and Technical processes necessary to realize a “System-of-Interest", and with the aid of a comprehensive Process Flow diagram, our Instructor walks the students from the Project Portfolio Process through to the Disposal Process in a logical and sequential manner.

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Negotiation, Persuasion and Conflict for Systems Engineers
9:00 AM09:00

Negotiation, Persuasion and Conflict for Systems Engineers

Zane Scott, ASEP, VP for Professional Services at Vitech Corporation, will facilitate this Interactive Workshop in order to provide you practical knowledge and skills that can make you a better, more persuasive, negotiator and equip you to better manage conflict from the position of a participant or mediator/facilitator whether at work or in your private life. It will cover the foundation and use of communication, influence, interest-based problem solving in personal and professional settings.

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Lean Startup Method  and Agile for Initial Project Planning
9:00 AM09:00

Lean Startup Method and Agile for Initial Project Planning

Mike Pafford, Past Chesapeake Chapter President, will facilitate this Interactive Workshop in order to provide attendees with knowledge and practice in using a facilitated hybrid approach for Initial Project Planning (IPP). The approach uses best practices from the Lean Startup Method (LSM) and Agile (Systems Engineering, Software Engineering, and Project Management). The approach is employed by bringing together project planners at the decision-making level in one or more collaborative and facilitated, “IPP Meetup Workshops”.

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UMBC Training Centers INCOSE SEP Exam Preparation Course
to Dec 17

UMBC Training Centers INCOSE SEP Exam Preparation Course

UMBC Training Centers has teamed with SE Scholar and developed a unique approach to teaching the INCOSE SE Handbook. The new method contextualizes the Organizational, Project and Technical processes necessary to realize a “System-of-Interest", and with the aid of a comprehensive Process Flow diagram, our Instructor walks the students from the Project Portfolio Process through to the Disposal Process in a logical and sequential manner.

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PPI Interface Engineering and Management
to Nov 5

PPI Interface Engineering and Management

External and internal interfaces are the single most common cause of problems in system integration. Eight best practices are exploited by leading enterprises to a degree of formality depending on risk, for project success and competitive advantage. Led by PPI Principal Consultant and Training Facilitator Paul Davies.

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CANCELLED: MBSE 2.0- Taking Models to the Next Level
9:00 AM09:00

CANCELLED: MBSE 2.0- Taking Models to the Next Level

This event is canceled due to a new APL policy that has canceled all scheduled events for external organizations that use APL Facilities until April 12, 2020. We will reschedule Zane Scott for later in the year.

Meanwhile, take a look at our vast library of previously recorded lectures at our YouTube Channel

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Systems Architecting Principles & Practices
8:00 AM08:00

Systems Architecting Principles & Practices

Architecture provides a unifying structure (or roadmap) for exploration of the problem space and for characterization of the solution space such that better decisions can be made about the system under development. Systems architecting when done well can improve the impact of the system solution.

This workshop will describe an approach for flowing down from enterprise goals and objectives, from the system purpose and mission needs, down through operational requirements and concept of operations, and finally into the capability, operational, system and project views of the architecture. These views are then used to develop a comprehensive set of requirements that best characterize and scope the system to be engineered.

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