Posts in After Action Report
2020-09-16: Systems Engineering the Conditions of the Possibility (Willett)

Dr. Keith D. Willett discusses the now and future discipline of systems engineering (SE v2.0) requiring tools to transcend this cause-effect approach and effectively embrace the nondeterministic, the openly defined, the blurred-boundary, the highly combinatorial if not infinite, and the adaptable. Systems engineers must design solutions to adapt to predictable and unpredictable change in order for the system to remain viable in the face of adversity (loss-driven) and relevant in the face of obsolescence (opportunity-driven). This After Action Report includes the briefing slides, screen-shots from the event and a link to the HD Video

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2020-06-17: Resilient Hospital Reference Model (RHRM) MBSE Project - An Update (Pafford)

Mike Pafford, past Chesapeake Chapter President, introduced and gave an update to an ongoing project by a volunteer cross-domain team (INCOSE, IEEE, FBI/InfraGard, and Medical Experts) to apply model-based analysis, engineering, and evaluation methods to develop a Resilient Hospital Reference Model (RHRM). The After Action Report includes the briefing slides, photos from the event and a link to the HD Video

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2020-02-19: Exploring The Test And Evaluation Space Using Model-based Conceptual Design (MBCD) Techniques

Dr. David Flanigan spoke on how systems engineers may use Model Based Conceptual Design (MBCD) techniques to focus on defining the problem space and system functions during the initial concept development phase. The After Action Report includes the briefing slides, photos from the event and a link to the HD Video

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2020-01-15: The Enormous Future Challenge to Systems Engineering

Mark Evans spoke about the relentless advance of Artificial Intelligence and the emergence of 5th Generation communications, combined with the aging/crumbling existing infrastructure present a most formidable triple threat to Systems Engineering and its practitioners. The After Action Report includes the briefing slides, photos from the event and a link to the HD Video

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2019-11-20: Famous Failures Revisited

Jim Armstrong discusses several famous failures from the viewpoint of the impact of systems integration as a factor in causation and includes several other examples to develop lessons learned that should be considered in systems integration. The After Action Report includes the briefing slides, photos from the event and a link to the HD Video.

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